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Death Metal

CVLT Nation Premiere:
INTO COFFIN Into A Pyramid Of Doom

I can feel death slowly creeping up on me in the form of the new INTO COFFIN LP entitled INTO A PYRAMID OF DOOM that will be released via our comrades over at Caligari Records. This band’s music sounds like a beast chained to the wall trying to break free so that it can ravage your grim reality. INTO COFFIN has a ugly as fuck sonic vibe while still being able to conjure up enough morbid emotions to make even the dead feel empathy. CVLT Nation is stoked to be sharing Side A of INTO A PYRAMID OF DOOM below…You can pre-order INTO COFFIN’s cassette HERE!





  1. Sascha Nienhaus

    March 31, 2016 at 11:59 am

    Danny Fenrisson hat es erschaffen

  2. Zatanna Zatara

    March 31, 2016 at 11:06 am

    Andre!!!! Guck dir das wahnsinns Artwork an😍😍😍

  3. Gunnar Acalavidyaraja

    March 31, 2016 at 6:42 am

    Killer tape from awesome guys! Support them to keep the darkness coming!

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