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Blackened Crust

Culture Is The Enemy…

Danger, Insanity, Deranged, Filthy and Totally Fucking Awesome are some of the words that come to my mad mind after listening to the new DEPRESS demo, Culture Is The Enemy. This German group of nasty weirdos lay down rotting hardcore sludge mixed with dis-beat blood like nobodies business! Every song on this demo packs the punch of death with the stench of rigor mortis. DEPRESS has this rad way of making their drums sound like they were recorded in a junkyard, with a bunch of flea-bitten dogs providing the bass lines for this band madness. The vocals that come out of this band seem like they came straight out of the sewers of Hell, but that’s what makes them a killer band I like to bug out to! DEPRESS play sludge, but it’s not your normal kind, because this band injects huge doses of hardcore speed into it and the all out rage of dis-beat. OK, so maybe you’re not a believer yet, well listen to their song “Sanctum Praeputium” – then you’ll realize how dirty this horde is, and you might need a shower afterward. What you also need to do is check out their tune “Their Communal Mouth” – it is fucking murder blues with electrified demon riffs. These dudes have the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude that should be in hardcore, and it doesn’t come off as contrived. DEPRESS is having fun pissing off the world, and it comes through in the music that they are putting out, which is going to keep them around. So what have you just done? You just discovered another radical band named DEPRESS – download their demo Culture Is The Enemy HERE!
[audio:|titles=DEPRESS Trisomic Beauty]
[audio:|titles=DEPRESS Stiff Tongues]

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ben of the graves

    October 7, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    thanks! filthy music. i like the genre mixing.

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