Crips and Bloods: Made in America directed by Stacy Peralta is a 2008 documentary that is a must see. This film examines the real reasons why the racist police force of Los Angeles has created an environment where these two gangs exist. What I like about Crips and Bloods: Made in America is that you get to hear perspectives from the different generations, and hear how all of their issues are connected. You will see how this capitalist country makes a huge profit off of Black on Black violence, ie: The Prison industrial Complex. The powers that be say we all live in a First World country, but why do I see so many of the have nots with a Fourth World state of mind? Why is it that this is supposed to be a free country, but you have people trapped on their blocks, not only by their enemies, but also by the police force. The punks in L.A. should really pay attention to this film, because the same tactics that the L.A.P.D. use on people of color, they will use on you. This film should be seen by all, because it will help dispel certain ignorant beliefs that some humans have, and it’s ignorance that breeds ism’s like racism. Respect due to Stacy for directing this film, and to Byron Davis for giving back to his community, making sure that this documentary was created. I hate looking into the eyes of young people and seeing that they have no future. Let’s not fight each other, instead let’s bring the pain to those who cause the most pain and inequality, our real enemy, the 1% and their guard dogs! After the jump, check out Crips and Bloods: Made in America – recognize that this is a worldwide issue with a different name.

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