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Corvid Magick…Moon Raven Designs

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is a truly magickal place. Not only is it the occult center of Canada, it is home to a vast array of wildlife that literally live in people’s back yards. There really are no words to describe the natural beauty and power of B.C., and Vancouver Island is the jewel in it’s crown. Moon Raven Designs is based in the village of Brentwood Bay, Vancouver Island, and is run by Dianne and Michael Doyle, who handcraft stunning jewelry based on the wildlife they experience on a daily basis. Much of their collection is corvidae-inspired, and centers around raven and crow skulls and talons. However, they also venture into sea life, human anatomy, antlers and wildcats, among others. They cast in a variety of metals, and make earrings, pendants, rings and bracelets that are exceptional in their design and finish. I even found some amazing bird skull drawer pulls and a cross switchblade necklace. After the jump, find yourself a new handmade accessory by Moon Raven Designs…

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