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The Mark Of Death…
Corpselogic Art Collective

It’s a post-apocalyptic world, and we shouldn’t take that for granted – now more than ever, life needs to be embraced and lived, and if you are planning a 2013 release, that means your artwork and packaging should be on point! Corpselogic is here to help you, an art collective dedicated to the dark arts of album design and band merchandising. It’s eight members – Tas, Jondix, Thomas Hooper, Tim Lehi, Jane Lives, Andrew Sloan, Joseph Díaz and Andrew Labanaris – have extensive illustration and graphic design experience, having worked with bands like Neurosis, Electric Wizard, Altar of Plagues, High on Fire, Doomriders, Scott Kelly, Tombs, St. Vitus, Pentagram and Slayer. These artists have gotten together to make the process of developing an art direction and packaging concept easier on studios, labels and bands who want their shit to be stunning and disturbing. The artists in this collective are highly talented, and represent a wide range of styles in their artwork, and they are equally open to working with established bands and labels as they are to work with new and unsigned bands. They have a dope site up with galleries of their latest offerings, as well as a place to contact them and get the process started. Check out a selection of their works after the jump…


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