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Breaking…Jessica Harrison scares my Grandma

I just came across a preview of British artist Jessica Harrison‘s April 28th show at Jealous Gallery in London, where she will be showing her latest sculptures from her Breaking collection. Basically, she took my Scottish grandmother’s collection of ballgown-clad Victorian porcelain figurines and made them all victims of vicious self-mutilation, which is pretty awesome. These lovely ladies would not be featured in my Grandma’s china cabinet, but maybe in mine (if I had one). The figures feature self-disemboweling, decapitation, slashed throats, yanked out eyeballs and hearts…and all in beautiful dresses. I also perused through her site looking at some of her earlier collections, which tend to have the same creepy yet cheeky vibe as the Breaking collection does. In particular, take a look at Skinning…um, need I say more? The Looking collection is also one of my favorites, as is her toothy self-portrait. I enjoy artwork that provokes without taking itself too seriously, and I think Harrison’s work captures this combination very well. After the jump, check out the rest of the photos of her upcoming show, and let it pique your curiosity about the rest of her weird works…

Images via Arrested Motion.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Clint Catalyst

    April 24, 2011 at 1:20 am

    Jessica Harrison’s glossy little grotesqueries are full of more whimsical fuckery and undiluted fun than skipping rope with my large intestines while watching Zsa Zsa Gabor’s work-out video, soundtracked with every back-masked record Tipper Gore swore against, again and then some…

    [ And that? That’s not something I say just any ol’ day, maing! ]

    Consider yovrselves fvlly ‘stvmbled-vpon,’ CVLT ♆ NATION

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