Hot fucking damn! I woke up this morning to find that EYEHATEGOD have released a new song entitled “Agitation! Propaganda!” from their upcoming self-titled album that will hit the streets on May 27th via Housecore Records. From what I have heard so far, EYEHATEGOD are out to put ear worms in all our skulls this year! Fuck the dumb shit, press play and hear how fucking on point their new song sounds!…R.I.P. Joey…
Comments vocalist Mike IX Williams, “I have to say I don’t believe we’ve lost nary a step in the creation of this album and we think these newer songs are a killer combination of classic EYEHATEGOD mixed along with our best production, mixing, engineering and songwriting in thirteen years. The main and total tragic break in the chain, was obviously last year’s death of our great friend and drummer Joey LaCaze. However, his original drum tracks made it onto the final master recordings and we’re fucking psyched about that… As for working with Housecore, it was a no-brainer. We’ve always been a family, and will always remain a family.”
Adds Housecore founder Philip H. Anselmo, “Being a part of the new EHG record is a dream come true. I’ve known, supported and loved the guys for almost as long as I’ve been playing music myself, and it is our pleasure here at The Housecore Records Compound to have ‘em aboard. And I gotta mention, having heard the new record, this is the EYEHATEGOD record every true fan has been waiting for…. Hail!”

March 12, 2014 at 11:20 am
This looks good… very good.