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Death Rock

Blue Cross Live At Ottawa Sucks Vol. 2

Text and photos: Darryl Reid

I show up to the show super late, France’s La Fraction are half way through their set. Before they can finish their set there is some drama – cops show up, find a bunch of punks drinking outside the venue, and fuck over Jo (half of Blue Cross and the man putting on the show).

For a moment, the night and the entire fest seem to be in peril. Fucking Pigs.

Soon as the pigs leave, La Fraction finish a killer set and Blue Cross sets up.

If you’ve been following Blue Cross you’ll know they aren’t the type to play live shows and I was curious to see how their sound translated live, since they are a two piece and use lots of drum machines and effects in their music. As mentioned elsewhere in the site, they borrowed a couple members from Asile, Pat and Joel (on Drums and Bass), to round out the band. The whole band were on point and played a blistering set.

I love this whole post punk/goth revival going on and Blue Cross are one of the best bands leading the revival. If you have the chance to see them live, do it – you won’t be disappointed.











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