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Apocalyptic Blues

Black Sands
Appalachian Terror Unit
Review + Live Ritual

Unjust & unwanted wars, poverty, prisons for profit and now cyberspace censorship…unholy fuck, there is some crazy shit happening right now, and luckily some bands are willing to take a stand against it! Appalachian Terror Unit are a West Virginia anarcho punk band who create music that gives a voice to the downpressed humans worldwide. Sometime in the near future, ATU will be releasing their Black Sands 7″ via Profane Extistence. This record will not disappoint – 4 songs that clock in over 13 minutes, packed with awesome metallic riffs and lyrics that bring home issues we all should have on our minds. What’s so on point about this band is that they are the total fucking package; not only do they incite change on the lyrical tip, but the music they lay down is so epic. ATU are able to balance all of the influences of metal, crust and punk with pure passion and conviction, which makes their songs dig deeper into your mind. On their title track, “Black Sands,” they have this riff that is dipped in caustic empathy, that screams just as loud as both vocalists and gets your braincells spazzing out on some revolution brainwaves. This band composes tunes that are laced with righteous fury that will stand the test of time. Fuck the powers that be, ATU are a band that represents the truth how I see it, and they manifest what the world needs to hear if the planet has any chance of sticking around. What I just can’t get over is their mammoth songwriting. When you hear “The End Of Complacency,” it fucking bleeds with the anger of the have nots, but at the same time it packs so much angst that’s directed at the truly wicked, you can’t help but get hyped. Damn, I’ve got to give the drummer some, on every track the warrior beat is alive and well. Ever since I heard this band years ago, I have been impressed with the dual vocals, and nothing has changed – I’m still into the vocal delivery on this 7″. If Black Sands could transform into a weapon, it would destroy those who have been taking advantage of us for their own profits. Appalachian Terror Unit are not terrorists, they are our freedom fighters – let’s all stand with them in unity, the world is ours!

[audio:|titles=Appalachian Terror Unit Black Sands]
[audio:|titles=Appalachian Terror Unit TheEndOfComplacency]
Full Live Ritual After The Jump!

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