With only this release, a self titled four track E.P, and a small amount of shows under their belts attempting to find out any information via the internet on Asheville’s 4 piece Autarch is like trying to extract a streak of piss out of the ocean with a teaspoon. Recorded in a basement and mastered by Audio Siege, Brian Boatright of the From Ashes Rise fame (the same man responsible for the mastering Tragedy’s Darker Days Ahead), Autrach already have their precocious feet firmly on solid punk ground and a record that has the sonic gloss to stand up against most studio tailored E.Ps. But does the quality of the songs mirror the same qualities?
The record opens with ‘Kings’, a disarming intro of quiet guitars that quickly escalates into a Cult of Luna brooding style groove. Although this doesn’t last long because before you know it or can really appreciate the melodies Autarch dive straight into what they’re really here to do: play fast and play heavy. Closest comparisons could be drawn to now defunct Australian crust punks Schifosi and the Mexican Antimaster, layering constant octave chords over thundering D-beat with hoarse grunts. But comparisons are what really let this record down as it fails to leave behind any of their peers and come into a signature sound of their own – turning into a checklist, tick the boxes hardcore release.
[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/01-Kings.mp3|titles=Autarch Kings] [audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/02-Shepherds.mp3|titles=Autarch Shepherds] [audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/03-Silence.mp3|titles=Autarch Silence] [audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/04-Deliverer.mp3|titles=Autarch Deliverer]Rest of the review and tour dates after the jump!
Being described as “space crust” and professing their inspirations from both the hardcore and post rock backgrounds the 4 track sampler has a disappointing amount of the latter. As the record continues the length of the songs drop and any attempt to catch a breath is lost through the steamroller hardcore delivery. Autarch are clearly very talented at what they do however the band don’t appear to use their full potential to bring tension to their less abrasive sections but suffer from reaching climax of the dynamic without fully exploiting their music.
There’s no doubt that Autarch will pick up fans quickly with the much subscribed D-Beat/post-metal crossover which seems to be gaining more and more artist in its extensive family. With every emo-crust band currently being snapped up by O’ Malley and Southern Lord (maybe ten years too late) Autarch will no doubt find their way into rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest bands in the genre. Treating this as just a small sample of what the band are capable of we should hope that the band can bring themselves out of the shadow of their peers and push the confines of the genre.
Autarch’s self-titled E.P is currently available for free through Audio Siege and moshpittragedy.com.
6-27 – Pittsburgh, PA at Kopecs with Common Visions
6-28 – Cleveland, OH House show with Little Sister, мища , Itto, Locktender
6-29 – Cincinnati, OH at The Don’s Pizza Lounge with COELACANTH
6-30 – Nashville, TN at Cirith Ungol with Deadly Reign, Haldol, Guide

Breed Fest
June 27, 2012 at 3:54 pm
They are also playing Breed Fest July 21st