Sean and I have said this many times before – the art and music we post on CVLT Nation may be perceived as “dark” or “evil,” but the real evil is perpetrated not by long-haired, black-wearing “weirdos,” it’s perpetrated by side-parted, manicured suits. Case in point – pink slime. I just found out about this hideous substance, and I am so happy about my decision to stop eating fast food at age 16, and my decision to stop eating meat a couple of months ago. I know I am not the only one who has experienced the nausea and/or cramping that occurs about half an hour after eating most fast food – I have mentioned these symptoms to many of my friends and family, and they all know what I’m talking about. There are people whose daily or tri-weekly consumption of McDonald’s or other fast food means they have built a “resistance” to the chemicals in their “food,” and so they would deny ever experiencing the tell-tale gastroenteritis that many occasional consumers of fast food do. Pink slime is now in the news, although it has been legally in up to 70% of the beef products in the US since the 1990s, which means there are generations that have eaten this shit their whole lives. It is ammoniated beef, or the byproducts of the slaughterhouses – tendon, fat, bone, veins, e coli, salmonella – first washed in ammonia before it is ground to a fine, pink pulp to be used as a 15% additive to ground beef, burgers, chicken nuggets, lunchmeat or whatever else you are eating. Jamie Oliver is credited with exposing pink slime last year, when he did a feature on it for his show “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.” Any journalist worth their stripes could have figured this out over the past two decades, since the USDA deemed ammoniated “lean finely textured beef” legal in 1994. No surprise, it is a Brit that has drawn the public’s attention to it – the UK has a vastly better reputation for informing its’ people, especially about the nasty shit Americans do. Anyway, after an official USDA whisleblower came forward last month, now several American fast food joints, including McDonald’s, have said they will discontinue the use of pink slime in their food products, which of course means that they have found some other equally cheap, equally disgusting product to act as a “filler” in their “food.” After the jump, check out the segment that blew the pink slime scandal open, and a couple other informative videos about our food in America, including a fascinating TED talk about the GMO proteins that have invaded American foods.
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution: Pink Slime – 70% of America’s Beef is Treated with Ammonia
Pink slime may in the ground beef you eat
TEDxMileHigh – Robyn O’Brien – Patriotism on a Plate

April 9, 2012 at 5:23 pm
MMM… I think the idea of using every part of the animal is a good one. If it wasn’t for the need of ammonia I think this would be a pretty good practice with proper labelling and such.
April 9, 2012 at 7:29 pm
Using every part of the animal is what I think we should strive for…maybe just not all for food!