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Artist to Artist Interviews…

Chris Kuhn interviews Alex

What has been your favorite A389 release to date. Why?

Honestly, I’d say the new Full of Hell LP. It has everything I dig. Between the blast beats, slow drone parts, and rad vocals, it hits all the right spots. Plus, we’ve had the pleasure of playing with them a few times and they seem like super nice dudes.
You got your drummer and your guitarist hanging off a cliff, you only have enough energy to save one of them, who do you save and why?

I’d save Tom, our drummer, because Brian is much easier to replace. I would totally feel guilty for his death and spend the rest of my life trying to avenge him though. With great power comes great responsibility. 


Tell us about the most memorable local/diy show you’ve attended or played (i.e. who played, where, why, crazy shit that happened)?

We played with Pianos, Punch, Loma Prieta, and Vaccine about a year ago at CCAS and the place was absolutely packed. At the time it was the biggest show we had ever played and it was with a bunch of our favorite bands, so that ruled. The mic stopped working at some point during Punch’s set, because I’m pretty sure the cable got ripped in half, so we all just sang along. It was awesome.

What 3 records/bands (alive or dead) are under rated and overlooked?

We all listen to different things, but I am a sucker for old 77 punk and power pop. The Powerchords are an amazing band from California; super catchy and fun. More people need to listen to Backslider too, and I definitely don’t hear enough about Catheter.
What bands are you most excited to see at the show in Jan?

Weekend Nachos, Young and in the Way, Full of Hell, Triac, Hatewaves, and Pulling Teeth, but the entire night is totally going to be magical.

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