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Video Diary PT.2

Certain things are really important to us over here at CVLT Nation; one them is exposing the world to the different dimensions that exist within the underground scene. It’s not always about the the bands, it’s also about the humans around and behind the scenes, beyond what we get see when we see a band perform on stage. I get so excited to know that the D.I.Y spirit that I was a part of in the 80’s never died, it just found it’s way into another generation of humans. We also want to show that many of the people that record the music we dig are artistic in other ways as well. Julien from Alpinist proved this point with part two of his tour video diary! I’m so impressed with his filming vision, plus the way he edited this footage makes his video extra awesome. It’s very interesting how he was able to convey a super strong story without dialogue. All of this footage was filmed as this German band made it’s way across America with their homies Masakari. So after the jump, check out this killer piece of visual art!


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