Earlier this week, we posted At The Drive In 2nd reunion show footage, and I couldn’t help myself…here is their full set at last weekend’s Coachella! At The Drive In are one of those bands that I will never be able to get enough of, because they are just that sick in my book! This footage that you are about to see is official, so therefore the quality is off the chain, so enjoy!
At The Drive In (Live at Coachella, 2012) by coachellasets

April 18, 2012 at 2:06 pm
Thanks for posting this CVLT! I’m going to keep vid this as soon as i get home! Awesome!!
April 18, 2012 at 4:39 am
oh man, screw work! Time to have some “problems” with making it in, at least for an hour.
April 18, 2012 at 4:12 am
hey mate! first of all: congratulations for this ENOURMOUS site and for your EXCELENT work 😀
but I am here, in fact, to ask something eheheh: is it possible to get a link to download this ATD-I gig, please? 🙂
cheers and thanks