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A Twisted Piece Of Americana…
Tattoo Craftsmen: Todd J.

When I look at art of any kind, it’s important to me to get a sense of the artist’s personality in their work. This is exactly what happens whenever I get a chance to see the tattoo work of Todd Janeczek aka Todd J., the owner of Imperial Tattoo in Portland, Oregon. His pieces are like well-written songs, because they have a clear message and deeper meanings that are alive under the vibrant colors; when you take a closer look, you know that he takes his craft very seriously. Todd’s work has a classic Americana feel to it, but it’s his dark sense of humor that takes his tattoos to a universe where freaks rule shit. Todd also works a demented Japanese energy into some of his works of art. If you have a chance to have his work on your body, I know you will always look at your tat with a smile on your face. Todd J.’s style represents a part of history, but although his work might remind you of the past, it’s well-rooted in the present and future! Now step into the world according to Todd J., and peep a huge gallery of his work after the jump!

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